Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family Picture

I figured everyone would like to see a picture of our new family.  This was done by one of our primary kids.  She did a really good job, and was so sweet about it.  We have been so blessed to teach the wonderful children in our ward.  She did a great job depicting us.  Britt has her nice curly hair, Jackson has his little mop up top, and I don't have any at all.  Enjoy!


Travis and Marie said...

that's pretty darn cute.

SladeMomma said...

Thanks, I did enjoy!

Shalice said...

Hey Scott, Congrats to you and Brittany!! You guys beat us, I think your little man is few days older than ours! I didnt know Brittany and I were due on the same day till Erin told me. The Scheurn's said he is soooo cute. Are you going to post some pics??? I hope all is going well, hopefully Brittany is catching up on sleep now days.
Take care,
Mark and Shalice