Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Hair Do...and excited to be a dad

I am fairly certain a hair did like this will not help with client acquisition or retention. . . but it sure is funny. "Suddenly there's some norm that I just don't get." - Ted

I have been reflecting a lot on how blessed Britt and I are. We both have jobs that we love. I get to help people who begin as clients, and more often than not become true friends for a living.

We are pretty much ready for our little guy. The only thing we don't have are wipes. Those are my quick, and diverse thoughts. Otherwise things are good.


Travis and Marie said...

you think you only need wipes....just wait til he gets here and you realize what else you don't happens to me every time I have a kid. :)

The Gibbens said...

WHo needs wipes- we're 10 weeks in and doing fine without them! ha-ha... Marie is right- I thought we had it all and then she got shots and I didnt' have infant's tylenol, only childrens... you're never all the way ready- but I'm sure you're close... now the little dude needs to make his debut!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Scott, you are going to be the coolest dad on the block! You had really better get some wipes, though! I use them for so much more than just changing diapers!